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PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP is a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language that may be used to create dynamic Web pages. It is available for most operating systems and Web servers, and can access most common databases, including MySQL. PHP may be run as a separate program or compiled as a module for use with a Web server.

PHP is a mainstream programming language used for developing websites and web applications. It is a prominent 'Open Source Programming' which is the most favorite choice for the dynamic needs of the e-business around the world. Globally popular web applications like Facebook, Wikipedia and Flickr are developed on this language. These dynamic web applications have changed the manner in which we utilize the Internet today. This fast growing era of Internet offers large opportunities to a PHP developer.

Why we opt for PHP programming?

  • PHP picked up its popularity on account of its ease of learning.
  • Since they run on Linux and Unix, PHP websites are viewed as increasingly secure compared to Windows supported dialects like ASP and .NET.
  • PHP / MySQL web hosting is less expensive compared to Windows supported hosting
  • PHP applications are sturdier and flexible and hence can easily adapt to various web hosting environment
  • Unlike Windows supported languages, PHP / MySQL do not require any License fees.

PHP Developer Course Benefits:

  • We provide training to a fresher to make them an industry-ready PHP expert
  • Offers job oriented training so as to get placed immediately after course
  • Upon completion of this course, one will be able to make websites like Facebook, Flipkart etc.
  • Scope of PHP and MySQL is growing in demand and hence opens large career opportunities.
  • If you extend your knowledge to PHP's CMS like wordpress, Joomla, then you can earn more.
  • Much better and promising career
  • PHP Framework like CodeIgniter, Cake PHP, Laravel etc.
  • Ensure career growth in the competitive IT industry.

Popular PHP Modules you have to learn to become a professional

HTML - Hypertext Markup Language CSS - Cascading Style Sheet
Bootstrap JavaScript
JQuery Ajax
XAMPP NetBeans


HTML : Hypertext Markup Language

  • Introduction to Web Technology
  • Introduction to HTML
  • Options for Writing HTML
  • Basic Tags and Document Structure
  • Default Text Editor
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML TAG | DocType
  • Saving HTML Document
  • Heading Tags
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Paragraph
  • HTML Line Break
  • HTML Text Formating Tags
  • HTML Space
  • HTML Comment
  • HTML Horizondal Ruler
  • HTML Special Charactors
  • HTML Fonts
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Tables
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Iframe
  • HTML Colors
  • HTML Meta Tags
  • HTML Media
  • HTML Video Embedding

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

  • CSS Introduction
  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Inline Method
  • CSS Internal Style Sheet
  • CSS External Style Sheet
  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS Text Styling
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Styling Links
  • CSS Styling List
  • CSS Styling Tables
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Border
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Margin
  • CSS Padding
  • CSS Overflow
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Floting
  • CSS Opacity
  • CSS Text Effects
  • CSS Pseudo-Elements
  • CSS Pseudo Class
  • CSS Navigation Bar
  • CSS Image Gallery
  • CSS Max Width
  • CSS Gradient
  • CSS Shadow
  • CSS 2D Transform
  • CSS 3D Transform
  • CSS Transition
  • CSS Animation
  • CSS Grid
  • CSS Media Queries


  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Why Bootstrap
  • Responsive Web Page
  • BS5 Containers
  • BS5 Grid System
  • BS5 Typography
  • BS5 Tables
  • BS5 Colors
  • BS5 Images
  • BS4 Alerts
  • BS5 Jumborton
  • BS5 Buttons
  • BS5 Pagination
  • BS5 List Groups
  • BS5 Spinners
  • BS5 Card
  • BS5 Dropdown
  • BS5 Collaps
  • BS5 NavBar
  • BS5 Carousel
  • BS5 Modal
  • BS5 Forms
  • BS5 Checks and Radios
  • BS5 Form Validation


  • Javascript Introduction
  • JS Syntax
  • JS Statements
  • JS Comments
  • JS Variables
  • JS Let | Const
  • JS Operators
  • JS Datatypes
  • JS Functions
  • JS Objects
  • JS Events
  • JS Strings
  • JS Numbers
  • JS Arrays
  • JS Dates
  • JS Math
  • JS Random
  • JS Boolean
  • JS Comparison
  • JS Conditional Statements
  • JS looping
  • JS Typeof
  • JS Type Conversion
  • JS Bitwise
  • JS RegExp
  • JS Arrow Functions
  • JS Classes
  • JS Modules
  • JS Form Validation


  • Introduction to AJAX
  • AJAX XMLHttp
  • AJAX Request
  • AJAX Response
  • Implementation with PHP
  • Work with AJAX


  • Introduction to JQuery
  • JQuery Syntax
  • JQuery Selectors
  • JQuery Events
  • JQuery Effects
  • JQuery Animation
  • JQuery Callback
  • JQuery HTML

PHP:Hypertext PreProcessor

  • PHP Introduction
  • PHP Syntax
  • PHP Saving a Document
  • PHP How to Run
  • PHP Comments
  • PHP Variables
  • PHP Datatypes
  • PHP String | Numbers
  • PHP Math
  • PHP Constants
  • PHP Operators
  • PHP Conditional Statements
  • PHP Looping
  • PHP Functions
  • PHP Arrays
  • PHP RegExp
  • PHP Form Handling
  • PHP Form Validation
  • PHP Date and Time
  • PHP Include | Require
  • PHP File Handling
  • PHP State Maintenance
  • PHP Oops
  • PHP Class and Objects
  • PHP Constructor
  • PHP Destructor
  • PHP Inheritance
  • PHP Static Method
  • PHP QueryString
  • Page Layout Using QueryString
  • PHP + MySQL
  • MySQL Connection
  • PHP CURD Operations
  • PHP Login Concepts
  • PHP Error Handling
  • Sample Module Work


  • MySQL Introduction
  • MySQL Create Database
  • MySQL Queries
  • MySQL DDL Statements
  • MySQL DML Statements
  • MySQL Join Queries
  • MySQL Conditions
  • MySQL Insert Data
  • MySQL Get Last ID
  • MySQL OrderBy
  • MySQL Limit Data
  • MySQL Between
  • MySQL Join
  • Introduction to PHPMyADMIN
  • Work with Graphical Console
  • Database BackUp
  • Database Restore

Job openings for a PHP developer:

PHP is a very good language to start your career as a fresher. 80 percentages of websites and applications use PHP. Hence you can get a new line of work anywhere including MNCs or even work on your own as a freelancer. It offers you much better and promising career with a considerable income. Once you’ve learnt the PHP, you’ll be able to apply for the posts like:

Why Trinity Technologies?

Trinity Technologies is a stand out amongst the best IT training institutes in Thiruvananthapuram. We offer PHP training conducted by our well experienced and dedicated faculties. Our aim is to train technology in the right manner with our detailed curriculum. This course will enable students with no background of programming to begin their career as a PHP developer.


Trinity Technologies, Radheyam Tower, Santhi Nagar, Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001,
0471-2334855 | 2335855 | 9447387064 | 9847003556
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