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JavaFX is a software technology which, combined with Java, enables the creation and deployment of modern-looking applications with rich content, audio and video. JavaFX is a Java library that is used to develop Desktop applications as well as Rich Internet Applications (RIA). The applications built in JavaFX, can run on multiple platforms including Web, Mobile and Desktops. To develop GUI Applications using Java programming language, the programmers rely on libraries such as Advanced Windowing Tool kit and Swing. After the advent of JavaFX, these Java programmers can now develop GUI applications effectively with rich content. JavaFXPorts works for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android and embedded and the related commercial software created under the name "Gluon" supports the same mobile platforms with additional features plus desktop. This allows a single source code base to create applications for the desktop, iOS, and Android devices. JavaFX is available on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Why Use JavaFx

  • To develop Client Side Applications with rich features, the programmers used to depend on various libraries to add features such as Media, UI controls, Web, 2D and 3D, etc. JavaFX includes all these features in a single library. In addition to these, the developers can also access the existing features of a Java library such as Swing.
  • JavaFX provides a rich set of graphics and media API’s and it leverages the modern Graphical Processing Unit through hardware accelerated graphics. JavaFX also provides interfaces using which developers can combine graphics animation and UI control.
  • Allows developers to integrate vector graphics, animation, audio, and video Web assets into a rich, interactive, immersive application
  • Extends Java technology by enabling use of any Java library within a JavaFX application.
  • Enables an efficient designer-to-developer workflow where designers can work in their tools of choice while collaborating with developers

Difference Between Java and Java Fx

JavaFX is a framework for the GUI with several benefits, including animations and CSS integration. javaFX is actually a different language (similar to java, but different syntax), but it runs on a JVM and can use Java classes. JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering desktop applications, as well as rich Internet applications that can run across a wide variety of devices. JavaFX is intended to replace Swing as the standard GUI library for Java SE.

JavaFX Features

  • The JavaFX library is written in Java and is available for the languages that can be executed on a JVM, which include − Java, Groovy and JRuby. These JavaFX applications are also platform independent.
  • JavaFX comes with a large set of built-in GUI components, like buttons, text fields, tables, trees, menus, charts and much more. That saves you a lot of time when building a desktop applications.
  • JavaFX features a language known as FXML, which is a HTML like declarative markup language. The sole purpose of this language is to define a user Interface.
  • JavaFX components can be styled using CSS, and you can use FXML to compose a GUI instead of doing it in Java code. By using this, you can improve the design of your application with a simple knowledge of CSS.
  • JavaFX contains a set of ready-to-use chart components, so you don't have to code that from scratch every time you need a basic chart.
  • JavaFX provides an application named Scene Builder. On integrating this application in IDE’s such as Eclipse,IntelliJ and NetBeans, the users can access a drag and drop design interface, which is used to develop FXML applications
  • JavaFX also comes with support for 2D and 3D graphics as well as audio and video support. This is useful if you are developing a game, or similar media applications.
  • JavaFX even contains a WebView based on the popular WebKit browser, so you can embed web pages or web applications inside JavaFX.


Highlights of the course:

  • Premium training by our experienced faculties
  • A comprehensive syllabus that covers every topic in detail
  • Interactive Classroom Training.
  • Designed for fresher’s & professionals
  • Flexible schedules
  • Complete learning assistance including doubt clearing classes
  • Real time projects and assignments
  • Topic wise mock tests for assessing the progress of students.
  • A course completion certificate at the end of the training

Course Outline

Getting Started

  • Basic Syntax
  • Idioms
  • Coding Conventions


  • Basic Types
  • Packages
  • Control Flow
  • Returns and Jumps

Classes and Objects

  • Classes and Inheritance
  • Properties and Fields
  • Interfaces
  • Visibility Modifiers
  • Extensions
  • Data Classes
  • Generics
  • Nested Classes
  • Enum Classes
  • Objects
  • Delegation
  • Delegated Properties

Functions and Lambdas

  • Functions
  • Lambdas
  • Inline Functions


  • Destructuring Declarations
  • Collections
  • Ranges
  • Type Checks and Casts
  • This expressions
  • Equality
  • Operator overloading
  • Null Safety
  • Exceptions
  • Annotations
  • Reflection
  • Type-Safe Builders
  • Dynamic Type


  • Calling Java from Kotlin
  • Calling Kotlin from Java


  • Documenting Kotlin Code
  • Using Maven
  • Using Ant
  • Using Gradle
  • Kotlin and OSGi

Why Trinity technologies?

Trinity technologies is a premier IT training institute in Thiruvananthapuram with 10+ years of excellence. We offer training on JavaFx programming with advanced lab facilities. Our aim is to make an absolute beginner to a professional. This course is designed such that, one can learn by doing hands-on projects. We provide complete assistance to a student until the completion of the course.


Trinity Technologies, Radheyam Tower, Santhi Nagar, Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001,
0471-2334855 | 2335855 | 9447387064 | 9847003556
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