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HOME J2EE Training center in Trivandrum, Kerala

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology that helps software developers create dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML, or other document types. Released in 1999 by Sun Microsystems, JSP have access to the entire family of Java APIs, including the JDBC API to access enterprise databases.

Java 2 platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) was developed to simplify the process of server side application development. The J2EE platform comprises of a set of services, APIs, and conventions that helps a developer for creating multitiered, web-based applications. J2EE enables a tier to handle different aspects of programming automatically. It also reduces programming effort by making reusable modular components. Hence it simplifies application development which is one of the main advantages of using J2EE. It comprises of:

  • Java Servlets
  • Java Server Pages (JSP)
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
  • Java Message Service (JMS)
  • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
  • Java Mail
  • Java Transaction Service (JTS)
  • Java Transaction API (JTA)
  • J2EE Connector Architecture (J2EE-CA, or JCA)

Benefits of J2EE

  • J2EE platform simplifies the development process and hence reduces the development time
  • J2EE applications are portable across J2EE-compliant servers, without any necessary modifications.
  • It provides a complete framework to develop web applications on the java platform
  • Ensures powerful security features.
  • Reduces programming by making reusable modular components.

J2EE is used for:

  • You want to develop a standard industry level application that deploys remote connectivity, security, database access, naming etc.
  • You want to reuse your components
  • You want to incorporate simple and powerful security featuresYou want to speed up the development by using J2EE deployment tools
  • You want to integrate with back end systems efficiently.
  • You want to handle increased load.

Who can utilize this course?

This course mainly focuses on those who are interested in developing web based applications. It covers the technologies involved in the J2EE platform and depicts how to use them to develop a web based application.

Basic knowledge of Java and database concepts is a prerequisite for this course. Hence if you are beginner, it is suggested to cover the fundamentals of java programming first.

What you will learn in this course?

  • Concepts of core J2EE
  • JSP and Servlets
  • Java database connectivity architecture
  • How to communicate with databases using Java
  • How to deploy Java web applications.
  • Web server and database manage

Why Trinity Technologies?

Trinity Technologies, one of the leading IT training institutes in Thiruvananthapuram, offers you J2EE training, which is an advance course of Java. Java is a popular programming language and we offer absolute training to build the concepts of J2EE so that one can enhance his career options. Our course is based on a detailed curriculum which ensures practical based training.

Our specialties:
  • Expert assistance
  • Experienced faculties
  • Mock exams
  • Comprehensive curriculum
  • Real time experience with projects
  • Certificate of completion

Java J2EE Training - Syllabus

Introduction of Java


 What is Java? 

 How to Get Java 

 A First Java Program 

 Compiling and Interpreting Applications

 The JDK Directory Structure  


Data types and Variables


 Primitive Datatypes ,Declarations 

 Variable Names

 Numeric Literals,Character Literals

 String, String Literals

 Arrays, on-Primitive Datatypes, the Dot Operator


Operators and Expressions



 Assignment Operator

 Arithmetic Operators 

 Relational Operators 

 Logical Operators 

 Increment and Decrement Operators 

 Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.) 

 The Conditional Operator 

 Operator Precedence 

 Implicit Type Conversions 

 The Cast Operator 


Control Flow Statements



 Conditional (if) Statements 

 Data types and Variables 3

 Adding an else if 

 Conditional (switch) Statements   

While and do-while Loops 

 for Loops 

 A for Loop Diagram

 Enhanced for Loop 

 The continue Statement     

The break Statement 





 Calling Methods

 Defining Methods 

 Method Parameters 


 Method Parameters 

 So, Why All the static? 


Object-Oriented Programming


 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 

 Classes and Objects 

 Fields and Methods 


 Access Control 




Objects and Classes


 Defining a Class 

 Creating an Object 

 Instance Data and Class Data 



 Access Modifiers 



Using Java Objects


 Printing to the Console 

 Printf Format Strings 

 String Builder and String Buffer 

 Methods and Messages 


 Parameter Passing 

 Comparing and Identifying Objects, Destroying Objects 


Inheritance in Java



 Inheritance in Java 


 Method Overriding 



 The Object Class    




 The import Statement 

 Static Imports 


 CLASSPATH and Import 

 Defining Packages 

 Package Scope 


Exception Handling


 Exceptions Overview

 Catching Exceptions 

 The finally Block 

 Exception Methods 

 Declaring Exceptions 

 Defining and Throwing Exceptions

 Errors and Runtime Exceptions



Input/Output Streams


 Overview of Streams 

 Bytes vs. Characters 

 Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams 

 File Object 

 Binary Input and Output

 PrintWriter Class 

 Reading and Writing Objects 

 Basic and Filtered


Collection Framework


 The Collections Framework

 The Set Interface 

 Set Implementation Classes 

 The List Interface 

 List Implementation Classes 

 The Map Interface 

 Map Implementation Classes    


Inner Classes


 Inner Classes

 Member Classes 

 Local Classes 

 Anonymous Classes 

 Instance Initializers 

 Static Nested Classes 


Introduction to Threads


 Non-Threaded Applications 

 Threaded Applications 

 Creating Threads 

 Thread States 

 Runnable Threads 

 Coordinating Threads 

 Interrupting Threads 

 Runnable Interface, ThreadGroups 


Interfaces and Abstract Classes


 Separating Interface and Implementation 

 UML Interfaces and Realization 

 Defining Interfaces 

 Implementing and Extending Interfaces 

 Runnable Threads 

 Abstract Classes 




 Object Serialization 

 Serializable Interface

 Serialization API 

 ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream 

 The Serialization Engine

 Transient Fields 

 readObject and writeObject 

 Externalizable Interface 




 Using Generics 

 Type Erasure 

 Type Boundaries 

 Wildcards, Generic Methods 

 Strengths and Weaknesses of Generics 

 Legacy Code and Generics 




 Uses for Meta-Data 

 The Annotations Model 

 Annotation Types and Annotations 

 Built-In Annotations 

 Annotations vs. Descriptors (XML) 




 Uses for Meta-Data 

 The Reflection API, The Class Class 

 The java.lang.reflect Package 

 Reading Type Information 

 Navigating Inheritance Trees 

 Dynamic Instantiation, Dynamic Invocation

 Reflecting on Generics


Error Handling


-Error handling stratgies: return values vs exceptions -Basic Exception Handling


Software Cycle and Tools

-Source control -Documentation -Build systems -Testing methodologies


Core java overview tips

  • Introduction to Java technology
  • Setting Up Your Computer
  • Java programming basics
  • Java Data Types and Primitive Types
  • Control Structure
  • Java Arrays
  • Built-in Java Classes
  • Creating own Classes
  • Packages and Java class path
  • JavaBeans
  • Inheritance
  • Abstract class and Java Interface
  • Polymorphism
  • Inner class
  • Exception handling
  • Java Collections framework
  • GUI programming with AWT and Swing
  • Java Applets
  • Stream I/O and Serialization
  • Java Networking API
  • Java Multi-Threading
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)


Database basics

SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL-Introduction and overview

What Is the JDBC API?

Driver Types

Two-tier and Three-tier Models

Connection Overview


DriverManager Overview

Statement Overview

Sending Batch Updates

ResultSet Overview

Types of Result Sets

Concurrency Types

PreparedStatement Overview

CallableStatement Overview

ResultSetMetaData, Scrollable ResultSet,

Prepared Statement, Callable Statement,

Performing Batch Update.






Introduction to Enterprise Edition

Distributed Multitier Applications

J2EE Containers

Web Services Support

Packaging Applications

J2EE 1.4 APIs


Web server and Application Server


Overview, installation, Configuring Tomcat

Jboss server-Introduction

Overview,installation and Configuration



Ant Tool

Basics and introductions,

Building web applications

Using Ant Tool


Java Servlet Technology

What is Web Application?

What Is a Servlet?

Servlet Life Cycle

Sharing Information

Using Scope Objects

Controlling Concurrent Access

Getting Information from Requests

Constructing Responses

Filtering Requests and Responses

Programming Filters

Customized Requests and Responses


Specifying Filter Mappings

Invoking Other Web Resources

Including Other Resources in

the Response

Transferring Control

Accessing the Web Context

Maintaining Client State

Session Management

Session Tracking

Tracking Service Requests

Notifying Methods to Shut Down

Creating Polite Long-Running Methods

JSP Technology

JavaServer Pages Technology

The Life Cycle of a JSP Page

Translation and Compilation

Creating Static Content

Response and Page Encoding

Creating Dynamic Content

Using Objects within JSP Pages

Expression Language

Deactivating Expression Evaluation

Implicit Objects

Literals & Operators

Reserved Words

JavaBeans Components

Reusing Content in JSP Pages

Transferring Control

Jsp: param Element

Including an Applet

Setting Properties for

Groups of JSP Pages

JSP scripting elements and directives-,

 Declarations, expressions, directives,

scriplets, comments,actions,implicite

 JSP objects - Working with variable

 scopes – page scope, request scope,

 session scope, application scope- Using

 java beens,custom tags, Declare Default

 Content Type, Set Default Buffer Size,

 JSTL,Expression Language


Custom Tags in JSP Pages

What Is a Custom Tag?

Types of Tags

Tags with Attributes

Tags with Bodies

Tags That Define Variables

Communication between Tags

Tag Library Descriptors

Declaring Tag Files

Declaring Tag Handlers

Declaring Tag Attributes for

Tag Handlers

Declaring Tag Variables for Tag Handlers

Programming Simple Tag Handlers

Including Tag Handlers in

Web Applications

Cooperating Tags



Java Script Introduction to JavaScript, Java script variables,
Operators, Conditional statements, Functions, Loops, Popup Boxes, Events, Exception, Array, Validations.



Introduction to AJAX

AJAX Components

HTML & CSS, JavaScript & DOM


Server Side Code

AJAX - JSP Application

Ajax with Servlet and JSP,

 XML and JSON for Ajax,

Database Application with Ajax,

 Ajax libraries and Toolkits.


Project Development

Requirement analysis

Requirement specification

Requirements review

Minutes of Meeting

Preliminary design

Preliminary design document

Preliminary design review

Time Sheet Management

Detailed design

Detailed design document

Detailed design review

Code, Code review, Comment review

Unit testing, Implementation

Acceptance testing

Training, Maintenance




Eclipse, Netbeans-

Introduction and overview

Creating web projects using eclipse

Configuration and set up the project

Connecting to database SQL, MySQL

Configuring Tomcat and Jboss application deployment, launching

and debugging web applications,

Detailed study of eclipse and netbeans

Installing new software plugins-Adding plugins, Update site


XML Programming

Intoduction to XML

Robustness & Extensibility

XML Syntax & Documents

XML Applications

Elements and Tags

Text and Attributes

XML Declaration & Comments

Processing Instructions

Entities & Namespaces

DTDs & Schemas

Style sheets & XSL

Valid XML-Understanding

Document structure – prologue,

 Elements, attributes- XML parsers – DOM parsers,

 SAX parsers – Implementing XML DTDs,

XML Namespaces, XML schema.

SOAP, Writing XML with Java

Output Streams, Writers, and Encodings

Converting Flat Files to XML

Reading XMLInputStreams and






Enterprise Beans

What Is an Enterprise Bean?

What Is a Session Bean?

What Is an Entity Bean?

What Is a Message-Driven Bean?

Client Access with Interfaces

The Contents of an Enterprise Bean

Naming Conventions for

Enterprise Beans

The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans


Session Bean

Session Bean Class

Home Interface

Remote Interface

Helper Classes

Creating the Application

Stateless Session Bean

Implementation Class


Bean Managed Persistence

Entity Bean Class

Home Interface

Remote Interface

Mapping Table Relationships for BMP

One-to-One Relationships

One-to-Many Relationships

Many-to-Many Relationships

Primary Keys for BMP


Container Managed Persistence

Method Invocations

Building and Running

Creating the Database Tables

Creating the Data Source

Capturing the Table Schema

Building the Enterprise Beans

Primary Keys for CMP

Finder and Selector Methods


Message Driven Bean

The Application Client

The Message-Driven Bean Class

The onMessage Method

The ejbCreate and ejb

Remove Methods

Advanced Enterprise Beans

EJB: Query Language



Simplified Syntax

Simple Finder Queries

Navigate to Related Beans

Other Conditional Expressions

Select Queries

BNF Symbols

BNF Grammar of EJB QL

FROM Clause

Path Expressions

WHERE Clause





Java Message Service API


What Is Messaging?

When Can You Use the JMS API?

Basic JMS API Concepts

JMS API Architecture

The JMS API Programming Model

Administered Objects



Message Producers

Message Consumers

Writing Simple JMS Client Applications


 Advanced Technologies - Frameworks





Features and Architecture

The MVC Design Pattern

System State and Business Logic

JSP Pages and Presentation


ActionServlet and ActionMapping

Struts Control Flow

Building Model Components

ActionForm Beans

Forms and FormBean Interactions

Automatic Form Validation

Building Controller Components

The ActionServlet

ActionForm Classes & Action Classes

The ActionMapping Implementation

The Struts Configuration File

Controller Configuration

Module Configuration Files

Add Struts Components To

Your Application

Validations Using Struts 2 Annotations

Struts 2 with MySQL Database

 Struts 2 with AJAX , struts tags, Tiles

Logging in Struts Applications



Java Server Faces

Introduction to JSF

JSF Features

JSF for Web Application

JSF components

JSF Tags, Life Cycle & Architecture

JSF Renderers

JSF HTML Tag Reference

JSF Core Tag Reference

JSF Facelet Tag Reference

JSF Navigation, JSF with Ajax

using JSF in JSP,JSF with Ajax


Apache My faces



Introduction to O-R Mapping

Hibernate Basics,

Hibernate Architecture,

Hibernate Configurations,

POJO (Plain Old Java Classes) classes

 and O/R Mapping

 Object Identifier

One-to-One Association

One-to-Many Association

Many-to-One Association

Many-to-Many Association

Collection Mapping

Component Mapping

Inheritance Mapping

Hibernate Query Language

Criteria Queries

Hibernate in Web Application





Spring Core

Dependency Injuction

Aspect Oriented Programming

Major concepts in Spring

Spring Architecture

Spring web MVC

Installation Procedure

Spring in Web Application

Bean descriptor

Spring and Struts

Spring data access

Spring using Hibernate


Trinity Technologies, Radheyam Tower, Santhi Nagar, Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001,
0471-2334855 | 2335855 | 9447387064 | 9847003556
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