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Microsoft ASP.Net

ASP.NET is a software framework designed and developed by Microsoft Corporation aimed at the creation of dynamic websites. It enables you to create Internet applications that can be executed in devices such as PCs, Laptops, Mobiles etc., by using complete featured programming languages such as C# or VB.NET. What excels in ASP.NET compared to other languages is that, it reduces the size of code in large applications. Moreover it ensures a strong and exceedingly secure development platform. Added advantages of this software includes reliable and scalable end product that can bring extensive business solutions, reduced development time etc. These benefits make it a popular language of the future. Since the future of .NET development is significant, it offers great opportunities and career path.

Who can make use of this course?

This course is designed for those who want to learn web developing, but have no idea on how. This is a practical based course and we concentrate on doing rather than simply learning the theory. Hence even a beginner, who wants to start his career as a web developer can undergo this course. It does not need any special academic background and is open to anyone who wants to be an ASP.NET developer. All you need is a passion for learning and motivation to achieve your goal.

This course benefits you to:

  • Get basic idea of programming.
  • Improve your problem-solving skills
  • Improve your logical thinking
  • Understand the working of software based applications
  • Enhance your career flexibility
  • Open more career opportunities

Career Path

Since ASP.NET is a leading platform for developing web applications, it offers much job opportunities. Some of the possible career paths you can choose after the completion of this course are:

  • Junior Web Developer
  • Web Developer
  • .NET Developer
  • Senior .NET Developer
  • IT Manager
  • Development Director
  • Project Manager

Why Trinity Technologies?

Trinity Technologies is a paramount in IT training and support, which is located in Thiruvananthapuram. We provide ASP.NET training with a detail curriculum plan. Our well qualified and experienced faculties will conduct classes for you. Whether you are a beginner or an I.T professional; we offer the best training environment with practical based classes and flexible class timings. We also ensure best lab facility and interactive classes. You will get hands on experience through real time projects and assignments. After successful completion of the course, you will a certificate of completion.

Major Qualities of our ASP .NET Course

  • Practical based course targeting industrial level training
  • Individual attention to every student
  • Hands on experience with projects
  • Topic wise analysis and mock tests.
  • Flexible training schedules
  • The course is not time bound. You can get assistance until you are comfortable with the topics
  • course completion certificate at the end of the course


# Chapters & Strategies Topics
1 Introduction to ASP.NET
  • From ASP to ASP.NET
  • Web Forms
  • Web Services
  • ASP.NET Features
2 Web Forms Architecture
  • Page Class
  • Web Forms Life Cycle
  • Web Forms Event Model
  • Code-Behind
  • Request/Response Programming
  • HttpRequest Class
  • HTTP Collections
  • HttpResponse Class
  • Redirection
  • HttpUtility Class
4 Web Applications Using Visual Studio
  • Using Visual Web Developer
  • Visual Studio Forms Designer
  • Using Components
  • Shadow Copying
  • Using the Global.asax File
  • Data Binding
5 State Management and Web Applications
  • Session State
  • Application State
  • Multithreading Issues
  • Cookies
6 Server Controls
  • HTML Server Controls
  • Web Forms Server Controls
  • Rich Controls
  • Validation Controls
  • User Controls
7 Caching in ASP.NET
  • What Is Caching
  • Page-Level Caching
  • Page Fragment Caching
  • Optimizing Your ASP.NET Application
  • Application Caching
8 ASP.NET Configuration and Security Fundamentals
  • Configuration Overview
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Forms Authentication
  • Windows Authentication
  • Security and ASP.NET
9 More Server Controls
  • Most recent ASP.NET Controls
  • Menus
  • Master Pages
# Chapters & Strategies Topics
10 Debugging, Diagnostics and Error Handling
  • Debugging
  • Application Tracing
  • Page Tracing
  • Error Handling
  • ADO.NET Overview
  • .NET Data Providers
  • Connections
  • Commands
  • DataReaders and Connected Access
  • Data Sets and Disconnected Access
  • Language Integrated Query
12 Data Access in ASP.NET
  • Data Source Controls
  • Connection String Storage
  • GridView
  • DetailsView
  • FormView
  • Object Data Sources
  • ListView
  • DataPager
  • LinqDataSource
13 Personalization and Security
  • Configuration Overview
  • Themes
  • Skins
  • Security in ASP.NET
  • Membership and Roles
  • Login Controls
  • User Profiles
14 Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX
  • Rich Client Applications
  • AJAX
  • ScriptManager
  • UpdatePanel
  • AJAX Client Library
  • Remote Method Calls
  • AJAX Control Toolkit
15 HTTP Pipeline
  • Pipeline Architecture
  • Context
  • Applications
  • Handlers
  • Modules
15 Project
  • Simple Template Layouting
  • Database Integration
  • Server code development
  • Validation


Developed by Microsoft, ASP.NET stands for Active Server Pages.NET. It is a powerful tool made for programmers and developers who are working on building rich and dynamic web applications and websites. ASP.NET is a special feature of Microsoft’s .NET Framework and is not limited to script languages. Programmers can use .NET languages such as C#, Visual Basic and J# to build compelling web applications. First released in the year 2002, the platform has grown tremendously and currently stands at version 4.7. Before enrolling for an ASP.NET course, professionals need to understand languages such as C# and VB in order to take full advantage of this platform.

Microsoft’s Active Server Page was developed to fulfil the need to create dynamic websites that would update automatically prior to the 1997 release of Internet Information Services (IIS). ASP’s function on the server side allowed the server to generate WebPages that were dynamic to the actions of the user. Thanks to the server sided technologies such as ASP pioneered contributions to the development of the web, it was possible to build sites like eBay, Amazon and many other popular sites. Another feature that makes it a perfect web development model for an organization is that it converts the applications to the ASP.NET Core, which does not require any code changes.

.Net is a platform that allows developers to create intelligent applications that are interoperable with other platforms and do it within a shorter timeframe. The .Net platform, also known as the .Net Framework, enables innovation in enterprise application development and deployment. .Net Technologies are in fact gaining popularity, leading to a rise in .Net courses that are designed to help developers acquire skills in this environment.


Trinity Technologies, Radheyam Tower, Santhi Nagar, Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001,
0471-2334855 | 2335855 | 9447387064 | 9847003556
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