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Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software applications—which may run either on the same computer or on another computer across a network. Data is a collection of facts and figures and we have humungous data available to the users via the internet and other sources. To manipulate the data, Structured Query Language (SQL) in short has been introduced years ago. There are different versions of SQL available in the market provided by different organizations.

This SQL Server training teaches developers all the Transact-SQL skills they need to create database objects like Tables, Views, Stored procedures & Functions and triggers in SQL Server. Gives idea about writing Queries & Sub-queries, working with Joins, etc. As well as database management skills like backup, restore, etc.

SQL Server Training Course Objective

Learn Database models Overview of SQL Server Management Studio and Transact-SQL language
Master writing simple and complex queries that retrieve data from the database Calculate information across result sets using aggregate queries (sum, min, max, avg, etc.)
Insert, update, and delete data Retrieve data from tables
Joins Sub-queries
Working with Data Types Procedure and Functions
Understand the different Views Working with Triggers
Design a database Maintain databases, tables, and sequences with SQL statements
Create and manage views Ensure the integrity of multiple, related database updates by using transactions
Retrieve data using cursors Manage binary data using BLOBs

If you are using or planning to use Microsoft SQL Server in your enterprise environment, we can help your team with all aspects of the SQL Server database management system. Whether you need to gain skills like designing, developing, maintaining and analyzing databases or you’re working toward a MS certification such as an MCSA in data platform or an MCSE in business intelligence, we’ve got the SQL Server classes to help you get there.

What is SQL Server DBA Exactly?

SQL Server DBA is a very famous and highly demanding database management system used in almost every industry today. But what is SQL Server DBA? SQL Server DBA is nothing but an updated version of Microsoft relational database management systems (RDBS), which is specially designed for transaction processing, application analytics, and warehousing in almost all the industries. This exclusive Microsoft created system is loaded with full features along with some outstanding tools, which include poly base, stretch database, row-level security, encryption, and JSON support.

SQL Server Syllabus

Module 1:- Introduction to Basic Database Concepts

  • What is Data, Field, Record and database?
  • Limitations of File Management System.
  • Basic Concepts of Advantages of DBMS
  • Levels of Abstraction | Database Models
  • Exploring Relational DBMS
  • Understanding Client and Server

Module 2: E-R Modeling and Diagram

  • Analyzing the Requirement
  • Identify Entities and their Relationships
  • Drawing E-R Diagram
  • Conversion of E.R. Diagrams into Tables

Module 3:Normalization

  • First Normal Form
  • Second Normal Form
  • Third Normal Form Practically Normalizing Tables

Module 4: Introduction to SQL Server

  • What is SQL Server Version history and different editions
  • Basic Features Components and Tools
  • Starting and Stopping SQL Server Instances / Services
  • Introduction to Management Studio
  • Types of System Databases in SQL

Module 5: Introduction to SQL

  • Basics of SQL Types of SQL Statements
  • DDL, DML, DQL, DCL and TCL
  • Create Database using Management Studio
  • Datatypes in SQL Server
  • Exploring DDL Statements on Table using Management Studio

Module 6: DDL and DML Statements

  • Why write statements in Frontends?
  • Create, Alter and Drop Table Insert
  • Update and Delete Statement Truncate Statement

Module 7: Working with Queries (DQL)

  • Understanding Select Statement
  • Usage of Top, Distinct, Null etc...keywords
  • Using String and Arithmetic Expressions
  • Exploring Where Clause with Operators
  • Using Advanced Operators
  • Sorting data using Order By clause
  • Working with basic of Sub Queries

Module 8: Aggregate Functions

  • Using functions in Queries
  • Using Predefined Functions
  • Count, Sum, Min, Max, Avg Group By and Having Clause
  • Using Group By with Rollup and Cube

Module 9: Joins and Set Operations

  • Introduction to Joins Cross Joins
  • Inner Join
  • Outer Join
  • Self Join
  • Co-related Sub Queries
  • Set Operations using Unions, Intersect and Except

Module 10: Implementation of Data integrity

  • Entity integrity
  • Domain integrity
  • Referential integrity
  • Types of constraints

Module 11:Working with Constraints

  • Unique
  • Not NULL
  • Primary Key
  • Default Check Foreign Key

Module 12:Implementing Views

  • Introduction & Advantages of Views
  • Creating, Altering, Dropping Views
  • Advance Options while Creating a View
  • SQL Server Catalogue Views

Module 13:Data Control language (DCL)

  • Creating Users & Roles
  • Granting & Revoking of Roles & privileges
  • Managing using Management Studio

Module 14:Working with Indexes

  • Introduction Clustered and Non Clustered Index
  • Creating and Dropping Index

Module 15:Writing Transact-SQL (T-SQL)

  • What is T-SQL?
  • Scripts and Batches Declaring Variables
  • Using Statements
  • Working with Temp tables
  • Error Handling
  • Using System Functions / Global Variables Using Dynamic SQL

Module 16:Working with Stored Procedures and Functions

  • Introduction to stored procedures
  • Benifits of stored procedures
  • Creating, Executing Modifying, Dropping
  • Input–Output and Optional Parameters
  • System defined SP’s and Functions
  • User defined Functions

Module 17:Implementing Triggers

  • Introduction to triggers
  • Constraints vs Triggers
  • Creating, Altering, Dropping triggers
  • for/after/instead of triggers
  • Using Rollback Tran

Module 18:Working with Cursors

  • Creating Cursors
  • Cursors vs. Select
  • Types of cursors
  • Locks on cursors
  • Advantages of cursors

Module 19:Transaction Control Language (TCL)

  • Introduction Transactions process
  • Types of transactions (Implicit, explicit)
  • Working with Locks, Types of locks

Module 20:Backup and Restore

  • Generating SQL Script
  • Executing SQL Script
  • Generating Change Script
  • Taking database Backup
  • Restoring database using backup
  • Attaching and Detaching of database

Module 21:Advance Features

  • Pivot Table
  • Common Table Expression
  • Ranking Functions Using BLOB data type
  • Using XML data type
Trinity Technologies, Radheyam Tower, Santhi Nagar, Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001,
0471-2334855 | 2335855 | 9447387064 | 9847003556
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