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Java is the world's most popular programming language. Java is a general purpose, high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. It is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. Java was meant to follow the “Write Once Run Anywhere” (WORA) principle, i.e., Java is meant to be platform independent.


Java SE 9 Reactive Streams API is a Publish/Subscribe Framework to implement Asynchronous, Scalable and Parallel applications very easily using Java language. Java SE 9 has introduced the following API to develop Reactive Streams in Java-based applications.

Features of Java 9

  • Jshell : It stands for Java Shell and also known as REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop). It is used to execute and test any Java Constructs like class, interface, enum, object, statements etc. very easily.
  • Factory method : factory methods to create immutable List, Set, Map and Map.Entry objects. These utility methods are used to create empty or non-empty Collection objects.
  • Interfaces use private methods : It can be provide method implementation in Interfaces using Default and Static methods. However we cannot create private methods in Interfaces.
  • Introduced the following API to develop Reactive Streams in Java-based applications
    • java.util.concurrent.Flow
    • java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher
    • java.util.concurrent.Flow.Subscriber
    • java.util.concurrent.Flow.Processor
  • Multi-Resolution Image API’s : Introduce a new Multi-Resolution Image API. Important interface in this API is MultiResolutionImage . It is available in java.awt.image package. MultiResolutionImage encapsulates a set of images with different Height and Widths (that is different resolutions) and allows us to query them with our requirements.

Updated Features of Java 10

Application Data-Class Sharing Parallel Full GC for G1
Garbage Collector Interface Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository
Local-Variable Type Inference Remove the Native-Header Generator Tool
Thread-Local Handshakes Time-Based Release Versioning
Root Certificates Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices


  1. Review of Java Fundamentals
    1. The Java Architecture
    2. Forms for Java Software
    3. Three Platforms
    4. The Java Language
    5. Numeric Types
    6. Characters and Booleans
    7. Enumerations
    8. Object References
    9. Strings and Arrays
    10. Conditional Constructs
    11. Looping Constructs
    12. Varargs
  2. Object-Oriented Software
    1. Complex Systems
    2. Abstraction
    3. Classes and Objects
    4. Responsibilities and Collaborators
    5. UML
    6. Relationships
    7. Visibility
  3. Classes and Objects
    1. Java Classes
    2. Constructors and Garbage Collection
    3. Naming Conventions and JavaBeans
    4. Relationships Between Classes
    5. Using this
    6. Visibility
    7. Packages and Imports
    8. Overloading Methods and Constructors
    9. JARs
  4. Inheritance and Polymorphism in Java
    1. UML Specialization
    2. Extending Classes
    3. Using Derived Classes
    4. Type Identification
    5. Compile-Time and Run-Time Type
    6. Polymorphism
    7. Overriding Methods
    8. The @Override Annotation
    9. Superclass Reference
  5. Using Classes Effectively
    1. Class Loading
    2. Static Members
    3. Statics and Non-Statics
    4. Static Initializers
    5. Static Imports
    6. Prohibiting Inheritance
    7. Costs of Object Creation
    8. Strings and StringBuffers
    9. Controlling Object Creation
    10. Understanding Enumerated Types
    11. Stateful and Behavioral Enumerations
  6. Collections
    1. Dynamic Collections vs. Arrays
    2. UML Parameterized Type
    3. Generics
    4. Using Generics
    5. The Collections API
    6. The Collection<E> and List<E> Interfaces
    7. The ArrayList<E> and LinkedList<E> Classes
    8. Looping Over Collections: Iterable<E>
    9. Collecting Primitive Values: Auto-Boxing
    10. Using Wildcards with Generic Types
  1. Iterators and the Iterator<E> Interface
  2. Maps and the Map<K,V> Interface
  3. Sorted Collections
  4. The SortedSet<E> and SortedMap<K,V> Interfaces
  5. The Collections Class Utility
  6. Algorithms
  7. Conversion Utilities
  1. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
    1. Separating Interface and Implementation
    2. UML Interfaces and Realization
    3. Defining Interfaces
    4. Implementing and Extending Interfaces
    5. Abstract Classes
  2. Exception Handling and Logging
    1. Reporting and Trapping Errors
    2. Exception Handling
    3. Throwing Exceptions
    4. Declaring Exceptions per Method
    5. Catching Exceptions
    6. The finally Block
    7. Catch-and-Release
    8. Chaining Exceptions
    9. try-with-resources
    10. Logging
    11. The Java SE Logging API
    12. Loggers
    13. Logging Levels
    14. Handlers
    15. Configuration
    16. Best Practices
  3. Nested Classes
    1. Nested Classes
    2. Static Classes
    3. Inner Classes
    4. Relationship with the Outer Object
    5. Local Classes
    6. Enclosing Scope
    7. Anonymous Classes
  4. Functional Programming
    1. Passing Behavior as a Parameter
    2. Inner Classes
    3. Functional Interfaces
    4. Built-In Functional Interfaces
    5. Lambda Expressions
    6. Scope and Visibility
    7. Deferred Execution
    8. Method References
    9. Creational Methods
    10. Designing for Functional Programming
    11. Default Methods
  5. Streams
    1. The Stream Processing Model
    2. Streams
    3. Relationship to Collections
    4. Advantages and Disadvantages
    5. Iterating, Filtering, and Mapping
    6. Primitive-Type Streams
    7. Aggregate Functions and Statistics
    8. Sorting
    9. Generating, Limiting, and Reducing
    10. Finding and Matching
    11. Grouping
    12. Flattening and Traversing
    13. Sequential vs. Parallel Processing


Java 11 is a long-term support (LTS) release. This means users who are conservative with platform adoption and require long-term support can license the Oracle JDK binaries through the Java SE Subscription offering.

Highlights of the course:

Career Options

In the present age of programming, Java is the most widely using platform in desktop, laptop, mobile and embedded applications. There is a high demand for Java programmers in top MNCs as well as in startups. If you are confident in Java programming, you have a better career path. One can secure the posts like:

Why Trinity technologies?

Trinity technologies is a premier IT training institute in Thiruvananthapuram with 10+ years of excellence. We offer training on Java programming with advanced lab facilities. Our aim is to make an absolute beginner to a professional. This course is designed such that, one can learn by doing hands-on projects. We provide complete assistance to a student until the completion of the course.


Trinity Technologies, Radheyam Tower, Santhi Nagar, Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001,
0471-2334855 | 2335855 | 9447387064 | 9847003556
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