
HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | JavaScript | MySql | Sqlite

Best Python training centre in Trivandrum - Trinity Technologies
Best Python training centre in Trivandrum - Trinity Technologies

We offer an extensive Python full stack training program spanning 7 months, encompassing essential components such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, and Django. Participants engage deeply with each technology through a curriculum designed to foster proficiency in front-end and back-end development. The course is structured to include real-world projects, assignments, and dedicated interview preparation sessions, ensuring students gain practical experience and confidence in applying their skills. As the leading information technology training institute in Kerala, located in Trivandrum, Trinity Technologies emphasizes hands-on learning and industry-relevant skills to prepare aspiring developers for successful careers in web development.

Best Python training centre in Trivandrum - Trinity Technologies
Best Python training centre in Trivandrum - Trinity Technologies
Best Python training centre in Trivandrum - Trinity Technologies

Python Syllabus



History of Python

Features and Functions

Major Use of Python

Organisation using Python

Python 2.0 and Python 3.0


Installation setup

Setting python in a Windows OS

Setting Anaconda in Windows

Setting Visual Studio Code in Windows


Basic Syntax

Difference Between Python 2.0 and Python 3.0

Difference between python vs other programming language like C++ or C# or Java

Example with other programming language



Variable and Value

Python Variable Name Rules

Good Variable Name

Creating variables in Python

Python Assignment Statements

Multiple Assignment

Swap variables

Local and global variables in Python

Difference between python variable and other programming variables



Operators and Operands

Arithmetic Operators

Assignment Operators

Comparison Operators

Logical Operators


Data Types




Simple Data Types

Complex Data Types


Python Casting

Specify a variable type

Implicit vs Explicit Casting

Functions for Type Conversion

Checking Type Compatibility




Creating String

Access character(s) from a string

String concatenation

String functions and their uses

Searching using Condition Statement inside a string

Retrieval of data using looping in string

Traverse string with a while or for loop


Conditional Statements

If Statement

Elif Statement

Nested if

Use the and operator in an if statement

Use the in operator in an if statement

Write an if-else in a single line of code


Looping Statements

For loop

While loop

Foreach Loop

Python break, continue statement



User-defined functions

Python Documentation Strings

Function with no argument and no return type

Function with argument and without return type

Function with argument and with return type

Function with without argument and with return type

Different Type Of function calling

Rules for Function Calling


Higher Order Functions

map() Function

filter() Function

reduce() Function

sorted() Function



Python Lists

List Functions

List as Stack

List as Queue

Nested List

Retrieving data using looping

Searching data in list

Modifying Existing List

Coping list



Python Tuples

Accessing items from tuples

Checking membership in tuples

Cloning tuples

Slicing tuples

Finding index of tuple elements

Searching data in list

Modifying items of a tuple

Using + and * operator with tuples



Python Sets

Iterating over a set

Adding members to a set

Removing members from a set

Intersection of sets

Union of sets

Set difference

Symmetic difference

issubset and issuperset

Shallow copy of sets

Clearing sets



Python Dictionaries

Creating a new dictionary

Get value using key

Adding elements to a dictionary in Python

Removing a key from dictionary

Sorting a dictionary by key

Concatenate two Python dictionaries into a new one

Checking for a key in a dictionary



Arrays in Python 3.0

Python Lists vs Arrays

Creating arrays

Accessing array elements

Slicing arrays

Modifying arrays


OOP Concept in Python

Object Oriented Programming

Implementation of classes and its methods

Class objects

__init__() method

Types of Inheritance

Method Overloading

Operator Overloading



Module Basics

Module Structure

Creating and using modules

Module search and import mechanics

Module import techniques

Special Module Attributes

Module documentaion


File handling in Python


Open/Close a file using Python

File reading methods in Python

Searching contents inside a file

Write to a file using Python

Python file handling methods

Appending content to a file

Deleting a file


Python Packages


Creating and structuring packages


Package Initialization

Namespace and importing

Using Packages

Package Distribution

Special package attributes


Exception Handling


Generic exception handling

Specific exception handling

Exception handling keywords

Raising exceptions

Exception context and traceback

Package Distribution

Special package attributes


Python Date Time


Get current date and time

Datetime module

Get date from timestamp

Python datetime object


Difference between teo dates and times

Difference between two dates and times

Difference between two timedelta objects

Neagtive timedelta object

Time Duration in seconds

strftime() and strptime()


Python with MySQL

MySQL Queries

DDL Statements

DML Statements

Implementation of database

Database Connectivity

Executing queries

Fetching data

Inserting data

Updating and deleting data


Error Handling

Closing Connections

Django Syllabus


Introduction to Django


Features of Django

Django Web Server

Understanding Django environment

A simple 'Hello World!' application

Django Architecture



Displaying Hyperlinks - Project

Starting a project

Django Apps

Activating our first app

Writing and mapping views to urls

Running a Django app

Rendering templates

Template Inheritance

Sending data from url to view

Sending data from view to template


Creating a website - Project

Creating an app inside the project

Creating a model for our site

Converting a model into a table

Examples for fields in models

Basic data access using Django shell

Saving/Retrieving objects to/from database

Modifying, sorting, filtering and deleting objects

Making changes in data models


Creating an Administration Panel

Using the admin interface

Customizing the admin interface

Adding users

Data access and modification using admin panel

Giving permissions to users


Creating a web page

Django Template System

Template Inheritance

Improving the website

Loading styles and scripts to our web page

Adding Users to our site

Uploading information by user

Changing admin interface title


Django Forms

Forms Basics

Creating a contact form

Model Forms

Field Types

Form Validation

Form Handling in Views

File Uploading

CSRF Protection


Django Templates

Django Template Tags

if - else tag

if- elif- else tag

for tag



Using templates to display data



Integrating Bootsrap into Django

Introduction to Bootstrap

Linking Bootsrap CDN

Using static files

Creating tables

Creating Grids

Creating Carousels


Sessions and Cookies

Difference between sessions and cookies

Creating Sessions and cookies

Storing and accessing sessions/cookies

Clearing and updating sessions/cookies


Using other databases in Django

Using SQLite

Configuring MySql Database

Working with MySQL in Django

Python break, continue statement


Live Project Implementation

Project Life Cylce

Python Documentation Strings

Creating a functional website in Django

HTML Syllabus


Introduction Web Technology

Basic concepts and History

Client-Side technologies

Server-Side technologies

Web Development Tools and IDEs

Web standards and protocols


Introduction to HTML

HTML Basics

Options for writing HTML

Basic tags and document structure

Default text editor

HTML elements

Saving HTML document



Types of tags

Document Strucutre

`<html>` tag

`<head>` tag

`<title>` tag

`<meta>` tag

`<body>` tag


Text Formatting In HTML

Heading Tags: `<h1>` to `<h6>`

Paragragh tag

Line Breaks

HTML Comments

Text formatting tags


HTML Attributes

Global Attributes

Event Attributes

Form Attributes

Input Attributes

Media Attributes

Style Attributes

Accessibility Attributes


Advanced Text Manipulation

Non-breaking space

Horizontal Rule

Special Characters

Fonts and Text Styling

Font Families

`<font>` tag


Working With Multimedia

Django Template Tags

Images: `<img>` tag

Hyperlinks: `<a>` tag

Video: `<video>` tag

Audio: `<audio>` tag

Embedding extrenal content in a HTML page: `<iframe>` tag


Structuring Content

Tables: `<table>`, `<thead>`, `<tbody>`, `<tr>`, `<th>`,`<td>` tags

Ordered Lists

Unordered Lists

Definition Lists

Nested Lists


HTML Forms

Form Elements

Form Attributes

Input Types / Form Controls

Form Layouts

CSS Syllabus


Basic Concepts

CSS Introduction

CSS Syntax

CSS Inline Method

CSS Internal Styling

CSS External Styling


CSS Selectors

Element Selectors

Class Selectors

ID Selectors

Attribute Selectors

Universal Selectors

Grouping Selectors


Psuedo Classes


Text Styling

Font Properties

Text color and background

Text decoration

Alignment and transformation

Line-height and spacing

Text Shadow

Overflow and wrapping


CSS Box Model

Content area








CSS Layouts

Positioning elements

CSS Display

CSS Floating

CSS Overflow

CSS Grid system

Responsive techniques

Centering elements


Effects and transformations

Box Shadows

Text Shadows

Opacity and transparency


Gradient backgrounds

Filter effects

Clip path




CSS interactive elements

Styling Links

Image Gallery

CSS Navigation Bar

Hover Effects

Focus styles

Active state


Media Queries

Syntax and Structure

Media types

Media features

Combining media features

Viewport units

Breakpoints and respononsive design

Mobile First and Desktop First approach

Nested media queries

Bootstrap Syllabus


Introduction to Bootstrap

Overview and History

Why Bootstrap

Methods for including Bootstrap in a web page

Responsive web pages


BS5 Basics

BS5 Containers

BS5 Grid System

BS5 Typography

BS5 Tables

BS5 Colors

BS5 Images


Bootstrap Components

BS5 Alert

BS5 Jumbotron

BS5 Buttons

BS5 Pagination

BS5 List Groups

BS5 Spinners

BS5 Cards

BS5 Dropdown

BS5 Collapse

BS5 Navbar

BS5 Carousel

BS5 Modal


Bootstrap Grid

Bootstrap Grid System

BS5 Stacked / Horizontal

BS5 Grid xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge, xxl

Bootsrap Grid Examples


Bootstrap Forms

Form Layouts

Form Controls

Form Validation

Input Groups

Form Text

Checkboxes and radios

Form attributes

Form layout utilities

JavaScript Syllabus


Introduction to JavaScript

JS Overview and History

JS Syntax

JS Statements

JS Comments


Variables and Constants

Var, let and const

Declaration and Initialization




Data Types












Operators and Operands

Arithmetic Operators

Assignment Operators

Comparison Operators

Logical Operators


JS Control Flow

if Statement

if else Statement

if else if else Statement

Switch statement

for Loop

while Loop

do...while Loop

Break and Continue Statements

Nested Control Structures


JS Functions

Function Declaration and Invocation

Function Parameters and Arguments

Return Statement

Function scope and closure

Default parameters

JS String Functions

JS Array Functions


JS Events

Event Handling Basics

Inline event Handlers

Event Object

Mouse Events

Keyboard Events

Form Events

Input Events

Window and Document Events


JS Form Validation

Basic Validation Techniques

Event binding and handling

Validation functions

Error Messaging

Validation state management

Real-time feedback

MySQL Syllabus


Introduction to MySQL


Introduction to PHPMyAdmin

Working with graphical console

Database Backup

Database Restore


Database Basics

MySQL database creation

MySQL DDL Statements

Creating Tables

Altering Tables

Dropping Tables


Data Manipulation

MySQL Queries

MySQL DML Statements

MySql Insert Data

MySql Update Data

MySQL Delete Data

MySQL get last ID


Query Operations

MySQL Join Queries

MySQL Join Types

MySQL Conditions

MySQL Order By

MySQL Limit Data

MySQL Between

Python Training and Certification Course in Trivandrum

Trinity Technologies in Trivandrum offers an all-encompassing Python training and certification program, expertly crafted to cater to both beginners and seasoned professionals aiming to elevate their programming skills. This course is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of Python, from the basics of syntax to advanced concepts like data structures, object-oriented programming, web development, and data analysis. Guided by industry-experienced instructors, students gain hands-on experience through real-world projects and coding exercises. Trinity Technologies ensures that participants are well- prepared to tackle Python certification exams and excel in various domains such as web development, data science, and automation, making it a top choice for aspiring Python developers in Trivandrum.

Why Choose Trinity Technologies for Python Training in Trivandrum

Trinity Technologies has established itself as a premier IT training institute in Trivandrum, known for its robust curriculum and hands-on training methodology. The Python training program at Trinity Technologies is meticulously designed to align with the latest industry trends and requirements, ensuring that students acquire practical skills that are immediately applicable in the workplace.

  • Experianced Faculty and Industry Experts

    At the core of Trinity Technologies' Python program is its team of experienced instructors, who bring years of industry experience to the classroom. These professionals are not only proficient in Python but also have a deep understanding of its applications in various industries. They provide personalized guidance and mentorship, helping students grasp complex programming concepts with ease and confidence.

  • State-Of-The-Art Infrastrucutre

    Trinity Technologies offers a cutting-edge learning environment equipped with the latest software and tools required for Python programming. The institute's labs are designed to simulate real-world development scenarios, giving students the opportunity to work on projects that mirror the challenges faced by Python developers in the field.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum/h3>

    The Python training program at Trinity Technologies covers a wide range of topics, ensuring that students develop a strong foundation in the language. The curriculum is updated regularly to keep pace with the latest developments in Python and its applications. Key topics covered include:

    • Python Fundamentals: Students start with the basics, learning about Python syntax, variables, data types, and control structures.

    • Object-Oriented Programming: The course delves into object-oriented principles, including classes, inheritance, and polymorphism, essential for writing modular and scalable code.

    • Data Structures and Algorithms: Understanding data structures like lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets is crucial for efficient programming. This module also covers algorithms and their implementation in Python.

    • Web Development with Django/Flask: Students explore web development using popular Python frameworks such as Django and Flask, learning how to build dynamic websites and web applications.

    • Data Analysis with Pandas and NumPy: For those interested in data science, this module introduces data analysis and manipulation using powerful Python libraries like Pandas and NumPy.

    • Automation and Scripting: The course also covers how to use Python for automating repetitive tasks, writing scripts, and managing files and directories.

    • Testing and Debugging: Students learn best practices for testing and debugging Python code to ensure reliability and performance.

  • Hands-On Labs & Real World Projects

    Trinity Technologies emphasizes practical learning through hands-on labs and projects that allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Whether it's developing a web application, analyzing a dataset, or automating a task, these projects are designed to give students the confidence and skills to handle real-world challenges.

  • Regular Assessments & Mock Exams

    To prepare students for Python certification exams, Trinity Technologies conducts regular assessments and mock exams. These tests are structured to evaluate the students' understanding of the material and to identify areas that require further study. The feedback from these assessments helps students refine their skills and build the confidence needed to excel in certification exams.

  • Career Guidance & Placement Support

    In addition to top-notch training, Trinity Technologies offers career guidance and placement support to help students transition smoothly into the workforce. The institute provides resume-building workshops, interview preparation sessions, and access to a network of industry contacts, increasing students' chances of securing employment in top companies.

Why Python Certification Matters?

Python certification is a valuable asset that can significantly boost your career prospects. Here's why it's important:

  • Industry Recognition: Python is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide, and certification demonstrates your proficiency to potential employers.

  • Career Advancement: A Python certification can open doors to advanced roles in software development, data science, and automation, among other fields.

  • Foundation for Further Learning: Python serves as a gateway to other technologies and programming languages, making it easier to learn and transition to other areas in IT.

  • Enhanced Earning Potential: Certified Python professionals often command higher salaries due to the demand for skilled developer.

  • Global Opportunities: Python is used globally across various industries, meaning your skills are transferable and in demand worldwide.

Trinity Technologies in Trivandrum is not just an institute but a stepping stone towards a successful career in Python development. By choosing Trinity Technologies, you are investing in quality education, hands-on experience, and a future filled with opportunities in the ever-growing field of Python programming.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Python, and why should I learn it?

Python is a versatile, high-level programming language known for its clear syntax and readability. It's widely used in fields such as web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and automation. Learning Python can enhance your problem-solving skills and open up various career opportunities in technology and beyond.

Do I need any prior programming experience to enroll?

No prior programming experience is required. This course is designed for beginners and will guide you through the basics of Python programming. If you have a willingness to learn and an interest in programming, you'll find the course accessible.

How long will it take to complete the course?

The course is designed to be flexible and self-paced, so the duration depends on your availability and learning speed. On average, learners complete the course in 3-4 months, but you can take as much time as you need.

What topics will the course cover?

The course covers a range of essential topics including:

  • Basics of Python

  • Syntax, Data types and variables

  • Control flow (loops and conditionals)

  • Functions and modules

  • Data structures

  • File handling

  • Introduction to OOP

  • Basic libraries and framework

Do I need to purchase any additional materials or software?

No additional materials or software are required beyond what is provided in the course. Python is a free, open-source language, and we"ll guide you through the installation of any necessary tools.

What if I miss a class?

If you miss a class, you can catch up by reviewing the provided course materials and notes. Additionally, you may be able to arrange a make-up session or seek assistance from the instructor to cover any missed content.

How can I get help if I have questions or need clarification?

You can seek help during class by asking questions directly to the instructor. Additionally, you may have access to office hours or additional support sessions where you can get further assistance.

Will I receive a certificate of completion?

Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be added to your resume or LinkedIn profile to showcase your new skills.