We offer an intensive C# programming course focusing on .NET Framework, ASP.NET, and SQL Server, designed to equip participants with comprehensive skills in software development. This specialized training spans 7 months and covers essential aspects of C# programming, including its integration with .NET technologies for web application development. Participants gain hands-on experience in ASP.NET for building dynamic web pages and applications, alongside SQL Server for database management and querying. The curriculum includes practical projects, assignments, and interview preparation sessions to ensure students develop proficiency in industry-relevant tools and frameworks. Based in Trivandrum, Trinity Technologies is recognized as a premier IT training institute in Kerala, dedicated to preparing aspiring developers for successful careers in C# programming and .NET-based application development.
Program for a computer
Instruction for a computer
Computer Algorithms
Computer Flow Chart
Programming language and its Types with example
Machine language
Assembly language
Comparing Low-Level and High-Level Languages
Oriented Programming Language
Procedural Oriented Programming Language
Types of Translators in computer
History of C Programming Language
Features of C Language
Steps to Download and Install Dev-C++
How to compile and run the C program
Compilation process in C
Input and Output in C
Single Line Comments
Multi-Line Comments
variables in C
Classification of variables
Local Variable
Global Variable
Static Variable
Automatic Variable
External Variable
Rules for defining a variable in C
Basic data types - Int, char, float, double
Derived data types - Array, pointer, structure, union
Enumeration data type - Enum
Void data type - Void
Introduction to Type Casting
Implicit Type Casting
Explicit Type Casting
Casting Between Different Data Types
Type Casting in Arithmetic Operations
Type Casting in Function Calls
Common Pitfalls and Best Practices
Keywords in C
C identifiers
Internal identifier
External identifier
Differences between Keyword and Identifier
Integer literal
Float literal
Character literal
String literal
Decimal Constant
Real or Floating-point Constant
Octal Constant
Hexadecimal Constant
Character Constant
String Constant
C Arithmetic Operators
C Increment and Decrement Operators
C Assignment Operators
Relational Operators
C Logical Operators
C Bitwise Operators
Shift Operators in C programming
Comma Operator
C Ternary Operator
Integer - %d
Floating-point number - %f
Character - %c
String - %s
Pointer - %p
Hexadecimal number - %x
Octal number - %o
Introduction to Escape Sequences
Common Escape Sequences
\n (Newline)
\t (Tab)
\r (Carriage Return)
\b (Backspace)
\f (Form Feed)
\\ (Backslash)
\" (Double Quote)
\xNN (Hexadecimal Escape)
\oNNN (Octal Escape)
Escape Sequences in String Literals
Escape Sequences in Character Literals
ASCII Table Overview
Getting ASCII Values
Printing ASCII Values
Converting ASCII Values to Characters
Manipulating ASCII Values
Working with ASCII Codes
ASCII and String Operations
Common Functions Related to ASCII
Static global variable
Static function
Static local variable
Static member variables
Static method
Differences between static and global variable
C if else Statement
If Statement
If-else Statement
If else-if ladder Statement
Switch Statement
Rules for switch staement in C language
Fall-through behaviour of switch statement
Nested Switch in C
Similarity between if-else and switch
Armstrong number in c using while loop
Factorial of a number using while loop
Armstrong numbers within a limit using while loop
Prime or not using while loop
Prime number with in a limit using while loop
Palindrome or not using while loop
Palindrome number with in a limit
Fibonacci series using while loop
Armstrong number in c using do-while loop
Factorial of a number using do-while loop
Armstrong numbers within a limit Prime or not
Prime number with in a limit using do-while loop
Palindrome or not using do-while loop
Palindrome number with in a limit
Fibonacci series using do-while loop
Armstrong number in C using for loop
Factorial of a number using for loop
Armstrong numbers within a limit using for loop
Prime or not using for loop
Prime number with in a limit using for loop
Palindrome or not using for loop
Palindrome number with in a limit
Fibonacci series using for loop
Basic Structure of Nested Loops
Nested for Loops
Nested while Loops
Nested do-while Loops
Common Use Cases
Pattern Printing
Examples of Nested Loops
Simple Patterns
Triangle Patterns
Creating Infinite Loops
Common Use Cases
For loop
While loop
Do-while loop
Go to statement
Common Pitfalls
Avoiding Infinite Loops
C continue statement
C break statement
C goto statement
Enumerated type declaration
Enum in a switch case statement
Automatic/Local Storage Class
External/Global Storage Class
Static Storage Class
Function Aspects
Function declaration
Function call
Function definition
Return Value
Library Functions
Character Type Functions -
User-defined functions
Function with no arguments and no return value
Function with no arguments and a return value
Function with arguments and no return value
Function with arguments and with return value
Actual Parameter and Formal Parameters?
Call by reference in C
Call by value in C
Introduction to Arrays
Syntax and Declaration
Array Initialization
Accessing Array Elements
Using Indexes
Bounds Checking
Declaration of C Array
Initialization of C Array
Initialize the C array at the time of declaration
Even numbers in the array
Reverse an Array
Print the array sum
Sort an array
Reverse Sort an array
Search element in an array
Print the largest and second largest element of the array
Declaration of two dimensional Array in C
Initialization of 2D Array in C
Storing elements in a matrix and printing it.
Matrix Addition and substraction
Array searching
Array sorting
Reverse sorting
Array Diagonal & Upper diagonal & lower diagonal elements
Matrix multiplication in C
Passing individual array elements
Passing multidimensional arrays to a function
Passing array to a function as a pointer
Returning pointer pointing to the array
Static memory allocation
Dynamic memory allocation
Syntax of pointers in c
Declaring a pointer
Pointer Example
Pointer to array
C Function Pointer
Declaration of a function pointer
Calling a function through a function pointer
Advantage of pointer
Usage of pointer
Address Of (&) Operator
NULL Pointer
C Double Pointer (Pointer to Pointer)
Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers
Pointers and Arrays
Call by Reference: Using pointers
Passing Pointers to Functions
Two ways to declare a string in c language.
By char array
By string literal
Traversing string
Using the length of string
Using the null character
Accepting string as the input
Pointers with strings
C gets() function
Reading string using gets()
C puts() function
strcpy(Destination, Source)
strcpy(Destination, Source)
strcat(First_String, Second_String)
strcmp(First_String, Second_String)
What is a Structure
Syntax to Define the Structure in C
Declaring Structure Variables
Accessing Members of the Structure
Structure Pointer
Keyword `typedef`
Accessing Structure Members
Array of Structure
Structure as Function Arguments
Structures and Pointers
Access Members Using Pointer
Structure and Function
Return Struct from a Function
Define a Union in C
Declaring Union Variables
Accessing Members of the Union
Deciding the size of the union
Accessing members of union using pointers
Differences between Structures and Unions
Why files are needed?
Types of Files
Text files
Binary files
File Operations
Creating a new file
Opening an existing file
Closing a file
Reading from and writing information to a file
Working with files
Opening a file - for creation and edit
Closing a File
Create a new file in a folder
How to Read these data in from the console:
Reading and writing to a text file
Read from a text file
Writing to a binary file
Write to a binary file using fwrite()
Reading from a binary file
Read from a binary file using fread()
Getting data using fseek()
A Look at Procedure-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm
Basic Concepts of Objected-Oriented Programming
Benefits of OOP
Object-Oriented Languages
Applications of OOP
Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm
Basic Concepts of Objected-Oriented Programming
Benefits of OOP
Object-Oriented Languages
Applications of OOP
Types of Tokens
Symbolic Constants
Basic Data Types
User-Defined Data Types
Derived Data Types
Type Compatibility
Declaration of Variables
Dynamic Initialization of Variables
Reference Variables
Expression and Their Types
Special Assignment Expressions
Implicit Conversions
Operators in C++
Scope Resolution Operator
Member Dereferencing Operators
Memory Management Operators
Type Cast Operator
Decision-Making Statements
if Statement
if-else Statement
if-else if-else Ladder
switch Statement
Nested Decision-Making Statements
Looping Statements
for Loop
while Loop
do-while Loop
Nested Loops
Loop Control Statements
Control Flow Modifiers
Nested Control Structures
Nested if Statements
Nested Loops
Scope Resolution Operator
Syntax and definition
The Main Function
Function Prototyping
Call by Reference
Inline Function
Default Arguments
Const Arguments
Function Overloading
Friend and Virtual Functions
Math Library Functions
C Structures Revisited
Specifying a Class
Defining Member Functions
A C++ Program with Class
Making an Outside Function Inline
Nesting of Member Functions
Private Member Functions
Array within a Class
Memory Allocation for Objects
Static Data Members
Static Member Functions
Arrays of Objects
Objects as Function Arguments
Friendly Functions
Returning Objects
Const Member Functions
Pointers to Members
Local Classes
Parameterized Constructors
Multiple Constructors in a Class
Constructors with Default Arguments
Dynamic Initialization of Objects
Copy Constructor
Dynamic Constructors
Constructing Two-dimensional Array
Const Objects
Defining Operator Overloading
Overloading Unary Operators
Overloading Binary Operators
Overloading Binary Operators Using Friends
Manipulation of Strings Using Operators
Rules for Overloading Operators
Type Conversions
Defining Derived Classes
Single Inheritance
Making a Private Member Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance
Virtual Base Classes
Abstract Classes
Constructors in Derived Classes
Member Classes: Nesting of Classes
Pointers to Objects
This Pointer
Pointer to Derived Classes
Virtual Functions
Pure Virtual Functions
C++ Streams
C++ Streams Classes
Unformatted I/O Operations
Formatted Console I/O Operations
Managing Output with Manipulators
Classes for File Stream Operations
Opening and Closing a File
Detecting end-of-file
More about Open (): File Modes
File Pointers and Their Manipulations
Sequential Input and Output Operations
Updating a file: Random Access
Error Handling During File Operations
Command-line Arguments
Class Templates
Class Templates with Multiple Parameters
Function Templates
Function Templates with Multiple Parameters
Overloading of Templates Functions
Member Function Templates
Non-Type Template Arguments
Basic of Exception Handling
Exception Handling Mechanism
Throwing Mechanism
Catching Mechanism
Rethrowing an Exception
Specifying Exceptions
Trinity Technologies in Trivandrum offers a premier C and C++ Programming training and certification program aimed at cultivating robust programming skills and foundational knowledge in one of the most enduring languages in the tech industry. Ideal for both novices and seasoned programmers, this program provides a thorough grounding in C, empowering participants to tackle various programming challenges with confidence. With expert guidance from industry veterans and a curriculum that blends theoretical concepts with practical application, Trinity Technologies ensures its students are well- prepared for C Programming certification and real-world programming tasks.
Trinity Technologies, based in the heart of Trivandrum, Kerala, has established itself as a premier institute for IT and networking training. With years of experience in the industry, Trinity Technologies offers a robust curriculum designed to meet the latest industry standards. The institute is well-known for its hands-on training approach, which ensures that students gain practical experience alongside theoretical knowledge.
Trinity Technologies prides itself on its team of seasoned instructors who bring a wealth of experience and industry knowledge into the classroom. The faculty’s deep understanding of C programming allows them to deliver complex concepts in a clear, comprehensible manner. They offer personalized attention and practical insights that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application.
Equipped with cutting-edge technology and a state-of-the-art lab, Trinity Technologies offers a modern learning environment where students can engage with the latest tools and software. The infrastructure supports hands-on coding exercises, allowing learners to implement their knowledge on real projects, which is crucial for mastering C programming.
The C Programming training at Trinity Technologies covers essential topics including:
Introduction to C Programming: Basics of the C language, including syntax, data types, and operators.
Control Structures: In-depth exploration of loops, conditionals, and branching statements.
Functions and Recursion: Understanding function definitions, recursion, and modular programming.
Arrays and Strings: Techniques for handling arrays, string manipulation, and predefined functions
Pointers and Dynamic Memory: Advanced concepts of pointers, dynamic memory allocation, and memory management.
Structures and Unions: Usage of structures and unions for organizing complex data.
File Handling: Techniques for reading from and writing to files, including file operations and management.
Error Handling and Debugging: Strategies for debugging code, handling errors, and ensuring robust program execution.
The C++ Programming training at Trinity Technologies covers essential topics including:
Introduction to C++: Basics of C++, including syntax, data types, and operators.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Concepts such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
Advanced C++ Features: Templates, exception handling, and the Standard Template Library (STL).
Memory Management: Detailed exploration of dynamic memory allocation, pointers, and smart pointers.
File I/O and Stream Handling: Techniques for managing input and output operations with files and streams.
Concurrency and Multithreading: Fundamentals of concurrent programming and thread management.
Design Patterns: Introduction to common design patterns and their applications in C++ development.
Hands-on labs are a cornerstone of the C Programming training at Trinity Technologies. Students engage in practical exercises that involve coding, debugging, and optimizing C programs. This practical approach ensures that learners not only grasp theoretical concepts but also gain valuable experience in solving real-world problems.
Trinity Technologies emphasizes continuous assessment to monitor students' progress and understanding. Regular quizzes, assignments, and coding challenges are designed to reinforce learning and gauge proficiency. Constructive feedback from instructors helps students refine their skills and prepare effectively for certification exams.
Beyond technical training, Trinity Technologies offers career guidance to help students transition from learning to professional roles. Resume building workshops, interview preparation sessions, and job placement assistance are integral parts of the program, providing students with the tools they need to succeed in the job market.
C Programming certification from Trinity Technologies signifies a strong understanding of foundational programming concepts and proficiency in C. This certification is highly valued by employers and serves as a gateway to advanced programming roles, software development, and other tech-centric careers.
Achieving C++ Programming certification from Trinity Technologies validates your expertise in advanced programming concepts and enhances your employability. C++ certification opens doors to roles in software development, game development, system programming, and more.
Trinity Technologies in Trivandrum is more than just a training institute. It is a Launchpad for a successful career in programming. The C/C++ training program offered by Trinity Technologies is comprehensive, up-to-date, and designed to equip students with the skills they need to succeed in the fast-paced world of IT and programming. With experienced faculty, cutting-edge infrastructure, and a commitment to student success, Trinity Technologies stands out as a leader in C/C++ training. Whether you are a fresh graduate looking to start your career or a professional seeking to enhance your skills, Trinity Technologies provides the perfect environment to achieve your goals.
By choosing Trinity Technologies for your C / C++ training, you are not just earning a certification, you are investing in your future. The skills and knowledge you gain here will serve as the foundation for a rewarding career in networking, opening up a world of opportunities and setting you on the path to success.
What is C Programming?
C Programming is a foundational programming language that provides a basis for understanding computer science concepts and developing efficient software applications.
What is C++ Programming?
C++ is an advanced programming language that builds on C with object-oriented programming features, allowing for the development of complex software systems.
Why Choose C/C++ Training in Trivandrum?
Trivandrum is a growing tech hub with many opportunities for IT professionals. Quality training institutes and experienced instructors in the city offer excellent learning opportunities.
What are the Prerequisites for C/C++ Training?
While there are no strict prerequisites, a basic understanding of programming concepts and logical thinking is helpful. Introductory courses are available for beginners.
What Topics are Covered in C/C++ Courses?
Topics include language syntax, data structures, memory management, file handling, object-oriented programming (for C++), and more.
How Long Does a C/C++ Course Take?
The duration varies based on the course format. Typically, it ranges from a few weeks to several months.
What is the Exam Format for Certification?
Certification exams usually consist of multiple-choice questions, coding tasks, and practical assessments.
What are the Job Prospects After Completing C/C++ Training?
Graduates can pursue roles such as software developer, systems programmer, application developer, and more in various industries.
How Can I Find a Reputable C/C++ Training Institute in Trivandrum?
Research institutes with positive reviews, authorized certifications, experienced instructors, and strong placement support.